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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

hie... ppl. HAHAHAHAHS. i'm posting for BIANG'S NINGLE MISHY GZ( SON IN LAW) .. SON AND MUMMI(magnificent.. slippery yet oily GHEE's) sake hahas. LOYAL SUPPORTERS WEETS. this maybe my final post..
weLL FIRST post after 6 months.. IT FEELS good that time has revived right??? okie... newest updates on my complicated family relationship

mummi=oily GHEEkian

son-inlaw= GUANzhong(zhongzi/tendermeat =d)

me=melaka o,o
gezhi=PIGEON-_-( i always fail to feed him.. feed hiim with fertilisers :d)

people sometimes ask me..HOW I GAVE BIRth TO JIAJI
ahem through... normal process o,o. however positive(skinny biang =d) plus positive(okie la .. no self praise? quite average built me) EQUALS TO.... negative(CUTE SON)
i noe they'll kill me for using CUTE but y not... =d
finally.. okay.. I DON WAN TALK BOUT MY BORING LIFE ><
its been a hard day. can i create an emotional poem? =d

my heart is darkened
my fear has widened
the tears stung heavily
ever so readily
they stuck close
never rose.
i feel a sense of icy coldness
on my damp dry cheeks
my fingers reeks..
i held the insignificant tear up
ever so light..
but it was bright.
bright with gleam light.
the tear hung on resolutely
refusing to leave my hands
it clung on tight
onli to flicker in the light
i tasted it
it was bitter in sight..

LOL DUNNO wad i creating well.. its a veri long post enjoy reading =d

Saturday, November 22, 2008

hahahahs. hi ppl i'm finalli posting again O_O. was persuaded to do the tag QUIZ. by puppi and FATS D:::; ok i shall now begin. AHEM
The peole who tagged you is?
FATS the magnificent.. AND puppy the cutie D:
Your relationship with them
emmm master n FATS bahhs. cos i own fats WAHAHHAS. i was the one who created her. MUAHAHAAHAHAS. D:: as for puppi.. she's my pet n i'm her MASTER hoho!!
*Your 5 impression of them
FATS: 1) voice- looser. 2) have broken voice 3) QUITE caring i didn't say caring 4) diet controller >=[ 5) oily=/
PUPpi: 1) SWEETIE.2)qot rumors =/.3) netballer!.4) SPORTS CAP ! 5) CARING d:
The most memorable thing they had done for you
Fats: caring for me when i'm down
puppi: loving me when i'm crying =D
If theybecome your lover, you will
i'll be a two timer then XD woots i'm so attractive =.=
*If she becomes your lover, the thing they has to improve on would be
fats: be more caring to michy ns ensitive to her feelings
puppi: love me MORE XD
If they becomes your enemy, will you?
nv happen
*What is the thing you want to tell them now?
i spent alot of efforts doing the tag quiz X___-X
How do you think people will feel around you?
emmmmm.. i DUNNO. ahhahahas
The characteristic you love about yourself are?
cute?? X_X ugli and adorable =D no self praise
The most ideal person you want to be is?
hmmm i love myself =D
For people who care and love you, anything to say to them?
i love u too Dl
Pass this quiz to 10 people. (i name those people with blog)
10. JANA
Who is no 6 having a relationship with?
hahah me?? LOL!!
Is no 9 a male or a female?
puppi is female luhr =D if not homo mehhs stupid question !! EAWR
If no 7 and no 10 are together, will it be a good thing
yea great HOHOs. both J
Where is no 1 studying
ah le is a hamster.. she study in hamster school under the hole =D
When was the last time you had a chat with no 3?
when we went kbox.. lots of competition-,0
What kind of music does no. 8 likes?
HAHAHAHS. dunno? o.o bangala
Does no 1 have any sibling
tons of it O.O
How about no 7?
emm mind ur own business =D
*Is no 5 single?
emm currentli YES. can jio her XD
What is the surname of no 7
What is a hobby of no 10
>=[ ... emmm.. disturbing ppl?? AHAHHHAHAS
Does no 5 and no 9 get along well?
hahaha they dunno each other
Talk about something for no 1
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

TO My fans who wan me to post : here goes :
I AM NOT OBSESSED with cuteness.. i just wan a real opinion. BARNEY DON ANYHOW SAY =_= barney u remind me of my childhood SONG. T.T i miss barney. LOL ok ok don lame luhr. ok.. i shall stop self praising myself for now.
XAVIER 's words of wisdom
number 1- being obsessed = act cute
number 2-ppl who are naturalli cute and don act = XAVIER love them.
number 3-ppl who are actualli cute n still act = BLEH. lol was with tt
number 4- ppl who are not cute n still act= KANASAI.
intrducing new categories inside my blog post to MAKE it more interesting and appetising
barnabus said, quotig from the master of BASKETBALL." michelle is obsessed with cuteness. wan me rate her. so that se can compare with shanying and shuenler.
corection...... I DON WAN COMPARE LUHR T.T i noe i'm not THERE. i'll heed xaviers ADVICE. to be natural n GUAI GUAI.. D:
nothing interesting... I WAN BASH both of them for stealing my toy strawberry >=(
Thursday, October 30, 2008

apparentli these pics that i sacrifised are used to satisfy misS BIANG BIANG BIANG BIANG T-T

its been hard on me hahahahs.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

LOL finalli..!! hehes. today i went k box with libing.. ningle.. mishy. Mishy wasnt' feeling realli well -_-
btw today the k box thing veri funni hahas. WE were glancing thorugh songs then we saw a song called SYLVIA'S mother. XIAO KHOR u touched. n we tried to learn hwo to sing it. AS FOR THE PIC.
i took it today luhr. WAS FIGURING how to use this old camera. AND yeahh!! i did it. HEHEHEHES. k box was fun. i wan do it again.. OPEN HOUSE COMING.-_-
Saturday, October 11, 2008

i'm saddened..
nobody cares.. hahas.. I FEEL LOST IN A LONG TRAIL .. times when i fall down.. there's noone holding me. times when i sob uncontrollably nobody is there to lend me a tissue to wipe my tears.. i don understand. i'm trying so hard. yet everything seems to be like tat.. the world is lke tat.. i'm useless.. i'm a fool .. i'm disastrous. nobody loves me..*tears* what's with this. I TRY SO HARD TO SMALLEN THE GAP BETWEEN US. yet ?? u used my words to feng ci wo.
U JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND. pherhaps this is the end. i'm serious now..
i'm trying.. i'm trying.. so hard so hard.. i'm exasperated. can i just give up.. yes give up . i won't be bothered.. not with ur feelings any more. no more. i will not be irritating and spam sheep anymore , i'll just be a silen michy. maybe everybody will care about me more this way. i don't nderstand . i don understand ... JUST GIVE ME UP. WITH EVERYHOPE I HAVE TO RESCUE THIS FRIENDSHIP.
Friday, October 3, 2008

hahahs... i'm going to start with that.. well i just created something YES IT WAS MICHY'S CREATION. i came up with this fruit family
hmm ... THE FRUIT FAMILY.. originate from michy currently known as sweet mummi(tang guomama) :D. then more and mor ppl join in. LIBING IS KNOWN as durian daddy ahahs.. we have borned many babies. examples are... Yizhen(pu tao) grapes.. XIAOKHOR( forgot her name hahas) .. Myra(was it strawberry or wad?) oops..
then we proceed to my siblings O.O.. first is xavier( logan).. yuxin(xi guai was it?) shuennie(tomatoo.. ahhhhs this one i rmb).. LATER IS MUMMI - gao lei( dong gua mummi. dong gao lei u c) aahhah FINALLI THE FUNNIEST PART isSONGZE
SONGZE IS AHMA.. XD. forgotten wad fruit but keith is SURPRISINGLI OUR AH GONG (PINEAPPLE)
ok this is michy signing off :D from blogger